key concepts of biomatrix systems theory

The figures below depict the key concepts of biomatrix systems theory. They are composed from the elements of the biomatrix graphic alphabet. A few figures depict a metaphor, analogy or example. How to proceed:

  • Feel free to browse our presentation randomly by clicking on any of the thumbnails.
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The following presentation was also published as a book, Biomatrix: A Systems Theory in Graphics.
Visit our books page if you would like to study the presentation offline.


key concepts of biomatrix systems theory – thumbnails

biomatrix systems theory - concept of the biomatrixbiomatrix systems theory: two types of systems within the biomatrixbiomatrix systems theory - activity system biomatrix systems theory - entity systembiomatrix systems theory - sub-webs of the biomatrixbiomatrix systems theory - web perspective of the biomatrixbiomatrix systems theory - field perspective of the biomatrixbiomatrix systems theory - activity systems form supply chainsbiomatrix systems theory - chains of sub-activity systemsbiomatrix systems theory - parallel and sequential (sub)activity systemsbiomatrix systems theory - parallel and sequential (sub)activity systems across levelsbiomatrix systems theory - tappingbiomatrix systems theory - multi-dimensionalitysystems theory - three-fold organisation of entity systemsbiomatrix systems theory - emergence of entity systemsbiomatrix systems theory - the entity system as centre of the biomatrixbiomatrix systems theory - containing hierarchy of entity systemsbiomatrix systems theory - containing hierarchy of parts of an entity systembiomatrix systems theory - the entity system as “emerging middle”biomatrix systems theory - boundaries between entity systems: web perspectivebiomatrix systems theory - boundaries between entity systems: field perspectivebiomatrix systems theory - stages of developmentbiomatrix systems theory - stages of developmentbiomatrix systems theory - co-evolution across levelsbiomatrix systems theory - current versus ideal future of systemsbiomatrix systems theory - seven forces of system organisation: overviewbiomatrix systems theory - mei (matter, energy, information)biomatrix systems theory - outer versus inner environmentbiomatrix systems theory - outer versus inner environmentbiomatrix systems theory - transactional versus contextual environmentbiomatrix systems theory - transactional versus contextual environmentbiomatrix systems theory - ethos field of an entity systembiomatrix systems theory - ethos and selfbiomatrix systems theory - ethos field of an activity systembiomatrix systems theory - aimsbiomatrix systems theory - processbiomatrix systems theory - structurebiomatrix systems theory - structure of an activity and entity systembiomatrix systems theory - structure of an activity and entity systembiomatrix systems theory - governancebiomatrix systems theory - levels of governancebiomatrix systems theory - levels of governancebiomatrix systems theory - types of governancebiomatrix systems theory - governance of activity and entity systemsbiomatrix systems theory - governance of activity and entity systemsbiomatrix systems theory - summary: activity versus entity system emphasisbiomatrix systems theory - clockwise versus counterclockwise changebiomatrix systems theory - turbulence of changebiomatrix systems theory - (dis)order within a systembiomatrix systems theory - (im)balance within an entity systembiomatrix systems theory - (im)balance between entity systemsbiomatrix systems theory - recursive / fractal / holographic nature of systemsbiomatrix systems theory - recursive / fractal / holographic nature of systemsbiomatrix systems theory - recursive / fractal / holographic nature of systemsbiomatrix systems theory - activity versus entity system perspectivebiomatrix systems theory - process versus structure perspectivekey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - space versus time perspective key concepts of biomatrix systems theory - physical versus conceptual reality of a systemkey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - interaction between physical and conceptual realitykey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - co-productionkey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - co-productionkey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - impactkey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - emergencekey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - emergent problemskey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - limitskey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - limit overshootkey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - iterationkey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - paradoxkey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - paradoxkey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - self-referralkey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - generic system dynamics of the biomatrix 1key concepts of biomatrix systems theory - generic system dynamics of the biomatrix 2key concepts of biomatrix systems theory - generic system dynamics of the biomatrix 3key concepts of biomatrix systems theory - generic system dynamics of the biomatrix 4key concepts of biomatrix systems theory - generic system dynamics of the biomatrix 5key concepts of biomatrix systems theory - telentropy tracingkey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - problem solvingkey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - problem dissolvingkey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - systemic brainstormingkey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - backcasting from the desired ideal futurekey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - system redesignkey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - iterative change managementkey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - frameworkskey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - frameworkskey concepts of biomatrix systems theory - frameworks